Family Services

Prevention for Teens

Cavities are not just for little kids, and gum disease isn’t just for grandma or grandpa. Teens are just as prone as the rest of the family to get decay and disease. Anyone who has a teenager knows it’s a lot of work, and convincing them to keep their teeth clean and healthy is part of that heavy workload. With a teen’s busy life and not-always-healthy eating choices, it’s tricky to monitor his or her oral care. That’s why it’s important to get them in for regular six-month dental check-ups and cleanings. Dr. Buttaro can help you in keeping your teen’s smile healthy and bright.

But outside of the dental chair, do what you can – begging, bribery, badgering - to keep your teenager’s teeth decay free.

Tips for keeping your teen’s teeth clean at home:

  • Limit sodas and energy drinks – besides being generally unhealthy, these are notoriously high in sugar and acid. Surgery carbonated drinks are listed as the number one cause of tooth decay in adolescents.  
  • Make sure they brush before bed time
  • Explain the dangers of sharing tooth brushes -teens love to share everything. This might even mean tooth brushes. At a sleep-over or on the way to the mall, they may think it’s ok to share their friend’s brush. But gum disease can be easily transferred from a brush to a mouth.
  • Slip in a pack of dental floss with their lunch or backpack.